101 miles with 8,500 feet of climbing

Route Profile
Levi's Gran Fondo • Climbs
Levi's Gran Fondo • Description
Levi's Gran Fondo (formerly Levi Leipheimer's King Ridge Gran Fondo) is a scenic ride through challenging Sonoma County terrain.
After a mass-start in Santa Rosa, the course heads west towards Occidental, and then northwest through Monte Rio and Cazadero. King Ridge Road, after which the ride is named, starts shortly after Cazadero and leads through a Redwood forest and up and along the remote ridge. After a steep drop, the course crosses Hauser Bridge and climbs up Seaview Road, eventually offering views of the Pacific Ocean. The road turns into Meyers Grade Road, which leads down to the Coast Highway.
After a few miles on Coast Highway, the ride passes Jenner, the town where the Russian River flows into the Pacific. The course continues along the ocean, and shortly before Bodega Bay heads up Coleman Valley Road, also known as "the wall". The road leads back east to Occidental, from where the ride follows the same route as at the beginning, except for the last few miles, which are on Santa Rosa Creek Trail.
Event Website: Levi's Gran Fondo
Levi's Gran Fondo • Interactive Map
Levi's Gran Fondo • Pictures

Levi's Gran Fondo
By: B. Straehle
See Also: Gran Fondos & Centuries